Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Topics this half term

Just to update you on the Topics this half term, taking us up to Easter.
Resultado de imagen de topics
Literacy: Will continue with Read Write Inc., with Fridays being their Big or Little write.
Big Write this half term will include a WANTED poster, writing a diary on growing cress, recount of their trip, etc. Assessment will be done just before we break up.

Maths: Will continue to follow the Abacus maths program. The class will have their half termly assessments for Maths next Friday and then after the Easter holidays when we have completed all areas required.

PSHE: Will continue as Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
They will be performing an assembly to the whole of Primary on this in a few weeks.

PE: PE this half term is team games, various activities and sports will be used and taught with the main purpose of the group working together as a team/s.

ART and Design: For the next few weeks their focus will be on block colour painting and drawings. Activities will vary each week and also be linked to other topics.

Our Topic, which starts tomorrow is a Geography themed topic of Oceans and Seas. They will be learning about the different oceans but also about the Equator, poles and using globes and maps.

The class really enjoyed last terms topic of the micro habitats, and during golden time we will continue to maintain our gardening area and bug hotel.

If you have any questions regarding this half term or the topics, please do not hesitate to come and speak to me.

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