Thursday, 30 March 2017

Sports Day

Image result for sports day
Year 2 had a fantastic Sports Day yesterday at the South School.
They showed super teamwork, not just with other members from our class but with Year 1 and the children from the South.


Monday, 27 March 2017

Sports Day

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Just a reminder that Sports Day in this Wednesday, if I have not yet received your permission slip please send this in tomorrow.

The children do not need to bring in their bags/folders, etc. I will send their homework home on Thursday as normal.

If they could have their snack and a water bottle.

Sun cream applied and a hat just encase its warms up.


Thursday, 23 March 2017

This weeks homework

Year 2 have a few pieces of homework this week.
In Maths there has been two areas that some of the class have been finding a little difficult: Fractions and their 2,5 and 10 times tables.
I have given them a few maths activities to try and complete with what they have learnt and remembered from their lessons.
We will be continuing their times tables next week and going back to fractions next term.

Within Read Write Inc the class are learning about adding suffixes to words to make adjectives, they have 1 piece of homework to practice this.

Miss Caroline´s RWI group also have their new story green and red words to practice reading and spelling.

Happy homework time!

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Homework next week

Resultado de imagen de Homework
Due to sports day next week, could all homework be handed in by Tuesday, and their Easter homework will go home Thursday.
Also could all reading/library books be brought into school by Wednesday so that they have time to change them before the holidays.

Thursday, 16 March 2017

RWI assessments

Resultado de imagen de read write inc
I have just completed the Read Write Inc assessments and I am very happy with the progress all of the children have made.
More information will be on their school reports and we can discuss it further at parents evening in a few weeks time.

Well done Year 2!
Give yourself a F-A-N-T-A-S-T-I-C

Water Awareness Day

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Just a reminder it is Water Awareness Day tomorrow, the children will be participating in various water activities throughout the day.
Although there is no planned activity is getting overly wet, could you please bring in a spare pair of cloths just encase they do get wet.
Thank you

Friday, 10 March 2017

Maths results

Resultado de imagen de maths
Year 2 had 2 maths assessments this morning, and I could not wait until the weekend to mark them
so I marked them during their lunch break.

I am extremely pleased with all of the children, they did very well.


You are all maths magicians.

I have told each child individually their score, so they may remember to tell you. If they have forgotten I can give you their score on Monday.

Again, well done Year 2.
You have worked really hard so far this year.

Have a lovely weekend.


Thursday, 9 March 2017

Water bottles/cups

Resultado de imagen de water bottlesResultado de imagen de childrens plastic cups        

As Spring has seems to have arrived, could every child bring in a plastic bottle or cup that can stay at school to ensure that the children are getting regular drinks of water throughout the day.
I will leave the bottles/cups in the classroom during lessons and then take them into the playground at break times.
If the bottles/cups can either be labelled with their name or give them to me to write their names on with a permanent marker.
Thank you

Maths tests tomorrow

Image result for maths

Year 2 have two maths tests/assessments tomorrow.

Today´s maths lesson was a consolidation of everything we have learnt since January.

As I said in the homework blog, the area I have found some children struggling is the quarter to on both analogue and digital clocks.

I did recap this at the end of yesterdays lesson and today, but if they could look at their maths homework this evening ready for tomorrow.

I will let you know the results nest week.

Visit on Monday

Just to remind everyone it´s Year 2´s visit to the farm on Monday.
We will be leaving at 9.30am, so please ensure your child is in school on time to get the register completed and their snack/water ready to take down to the bus.

Snacks to be in a throw away bag.

If the weather is as lovely as it has been yesterday and today, please ensure that your child has sun cream on before they arrive at school and that a sun cap is brought in.

On this day your child will receive a packed lunch.

I will take lots of pictures and post these on the blog for you to see.


Tuesday, 7 March 2017

Read Write Inc

Read Write Inc Assessments
Resultado de imagen de read write inc
Next Week Year 2 will be completing their Read Write Inc assessments.
As part of their assessment they get a timed reading session, where they have 1 minute to read as many passages (between 13-17 lines) and then talk about it.
The passages also contain punctuation, this will also be tested in listening to expression, pauses, etc.
I have set a piece of homework to practice both reading and comprehension.
If they can read the short story, encouraging them to use the punctuation to change their expression
 and then answer the questions.