Thursday, 19 January 2017

Home work

Resultado de imagen de homework
This weeks homework
Year have been very busy so far this year, today they will all get a new homework book and most have finished their previous one. I have sent their old book home for them to keep.
They have got two pieces of maths homework, the first is addition and subtraction word problems, slightly harder than last weeks one.
This week maths focus has been on counting in 2´s, 5´s and 10´s, using both money and times tables. So their second maths homework is related to what they have done during their lessons at school.
Literacy home work is a party invitation. This is to start getting ready for their Big Write for next Friday. It is a basic invitation where they need to decide who they would like to invite to a party, where the party will be and the date.  I will talk to them about what kind of party they want (fancy dress, theme, etc) and what the party is to celebrate early next week.
And finally, their red and green words for their story for RWI. Again to practice reading and spelling.
They had their second spelling test yesterday afternoon, if you can keep reminding and encouraging them to use their Fred Fingers (the sounds they know) to spell as well as read (green words).

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