Wednesday, 25 January 2017


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Homework this week
Year 2 have just 1 piece of maths homework this week, but there are 12 questions.
All are an overview of what they have been dong this week in their Maths lessons.
 Their Literacy is a comprehension activity, If they find it easier to highlight information and then write the answer this is fine. They need to read a passage about Chinese New Year and then answer as many questions about t as possible. They have been learning a little about Chinese New Year in Art and PSHE.
The final is a fun activity, the children can write down a sentence for what they have learnt, saw, ate and made for Chinese New Year.
My RWI group will receive their new Red and Green words as they started their next book, Miss Caroline´s group has no new words this week.

Bug Hotel

Our Bug Hotel is coming on great,
the children are enjoying adding items to it as we get them.

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Garden area

Year 2 have enjoyed starting their garden area in the playground.
They made lolly poop sticks so we know what and where we are planting things.
First bulbs planted.
Daffodils are now planted.

The ground floor of the bug hotel has been completed.
If you have any straw, bricks, bamboo sticks at home, the class would be grateful f you could bring them in to help complete the hotel.
Thank you

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Bug hotel

Resultado de imagen de bug hotel
As part of Year 2 Science topic this term, we are going to be making a bug hotel.
Similar to the picture above.
The class are very excited to get started and drawn their own designs on how they would like it to look, along wth listing the items they need and the bugs they want to come and live in it.
The children have started collecting items to go into the bug hotel such as leaves, pine cones, etc.
If you have any of the following items, I would be grateful full if your child could bring them into the school to fill it up:
pine cones
small logs
dead leaves
bamboo sticks
Thank you in advance

Home work

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This weeks homework
Year have been very busy so far this year, today they will all get a new homework book and most have finished their previous one. I have sent their old book home for them to keep.
They have got two pieces of maths homework, the first is addition and subtraction word problems, slightly harder than last weeks one.
This week maths focus has been on counting in 2´s, 5´s and 10´s, using both money and times tables. So their second maths homework is related to what they have done during their lessons at school.
Literacy home work is a party invitation. This is to start getting ready for their Big Write for next Friday. It is a basic invitation where they need to decide who they would like to invite to a party, where the party will be and the date.  I will talk to them about what kind of party they want (fancy dress, theme, etc) and what the party is to celebrate early next week.
And finally, their red and green words for their story for RWI. Again to practice reading and spelling.
They had their second spelling test yesterday afternoon, if you can keep reminding and encouraging them to use their Fred Fingers (the sounds they know) to spell as well as read (green words).

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Wake and Shake

Before we start our Read Write Inc. lessons the children do a wake and shake session to get their bodies and minds ready to work.
Each week we do a different activity.
Resultado de imagen de zumba
This week they have been doing a short zumba dance.
A few children have asked for the youtube link so I thought I would post it here if they would like to do the dance at home.

Have fun dancing!


This weeks homework
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The maths theme this week has been addition and subtraction.
They have got 2 pages of adding and subtracting (take away) sums where they have to fill in the correct number.
The 3rd piece of maths homework is word problems. They need to read the question and then answer.
Their Literacy homework is a letter, we will be writing a letter in Big Write on Friday from Goldilocks to the 3 Bears.  
There homework is to write a letter from the 3 Bears to Goldilocks.
Read Write Inc. homework is to practice reading and spelling their speedy green, story green and red words for their spelling test next Wednesday.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Spelling Tests

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Every Wednesday afternoon Year 2 will be having a spelling test linked to Read Write Inc.
This week they will be tested on spelling the days of the week and the months of the year (as their homework over the Christmas holidays).
From next week they will be tested on a few speedy green words, story green words and red words, all of which will be sent home as homework to practice reading and spelling.
Please encourage your child to use their Fred sounds to sound out any green words. The children already know all of the sounds within the green words given to them and are able to read them, I want them to use their sound knowledge for their spellings too.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Read Write Inc.

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Both RWI groups are reading and writing about NON-FICTION books this half term.
As part of their homework each week, the children will receive speedy green words, story green words and red words to practice reading and spelling.
I will also blog any links, etc. that the children could access at home to learn more about a certain story.
This week, my group are reading a book about guide dogs, if your child would like to research more about guide dogs, their training, etc. here is a link:

Welcome back

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Welcome back to school!
I hope you all had a super Christmas, New Year and Kings day.
We are now entering into our Spring Term.
Our themes for this half term are as follows:
Topic: Living things and their habitats (Science)
Equator, poles, globes and maps (Geography)
ICT: We are game testers
Art: Observational drawings
PE: Ball skills
PSHE: A Big World
Music: Pitch and Beat
Maths will continue with the Abacus program and Read Write Inc. will continue.
The children were assessed before Christmas and in their new groups for this half term.