Friday, 26 May 2017

Canarian Day

Just a reminder that on Monday the school is celebrating Canarian Day.
Children are encouraged to dress in traditional Canarian clothes.
There will be lots of fun activities for the children to do.
Looking forward to seeing you all dressed up.

Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Book orders

Image result for book people
Just to remind everyone, if you would like to order any books form the catalogue that was sent home yesterday, they need to be ordered online.
An email was previously sent explaining how to do this.
No money or order forms can be accepted directly to the school.
Thank you

Monday, 22 May 2017

Food donations

Resultado de imagen de food bank
The school has organised a food collection for local families that are experiencing financial difficulties.
If your child could make any donation towards this collection we would be extremely grateful.
Ideas of items you could bring in:
* any tinned items
* packets of rice/pasta
* Salt
* Sugar
* Cooking oil
 * Packets or jars of lentils
They can be placed into the relevant boxes in the agora.
Thank you in advance

Costume letter and Script

Resultado de imagen de summer show
The script and costume letter are both going home today.

Could your child bring the script to school everyday.

I have asked for the costumes in by 19th June to allow time for a whole Infant dress rehearsal the week before the show, this will also allow time to see if any alternations need to be made to their costume.

If you are unsure on your child´s costume please speak to Miss Caroline or myself.

Thanks you

Friday, 19 May 2017

Home work

Resultado de imagen de homework
This weeks homework
Year 2 have only 2 pieces of homework this week.
A maths piece linked to what they have been learning this week and their literacy which will form part of their Big Write for next week.
In their Big Write today, I will introduce writing news report, with a set theme, which they will practice in their lessons and complete their first draft.
Their homework is to write a report on any issue or event, fact or fiction.
Miss Caroline´s Read Writ Inc group and their Green and Red words to practice, no extra RWI homework for my group this week.
Happy homework!

Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Summer Show

Before I set the characters for the Summer show, could anyone let me know if their child is not going to be at school on Tuesday 27th June (the date of the show).
Thank you

Friday, 12 May 2017

Maths Test

Imagen relacionada

Well done Year 2!

This week the children have had 2 maths tests this week and all did amazing.

 They were both quite tricky tests that went over everything they have learnt over the past few months.


I am very proud of every single one of you for all your hard work.

Keep it up everyone, you Superstars.


Thursday, 11 May 2017


Image result for homework
This weeks homework

Year 2 have 2 pieces of maths homework and 1 literacy which is based on their Read Write Inc this week.

My RWI group also have an extra literacy activity, they will be bringing home their RWI homework booklet, this booklet will be sent as and when RWI homework is set. Only page 4 needs to be completed this week.

Happy Homework Time!

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Maths Tests

On Friday Year 2 have their two assessment tests, will be going through everything we have learnt so far this term tomorrow and Thursday.
I did send home the children´s old homework book last week, if they could practice over past activities and their usual homework that will be sent home Thursday.
I will obviously update you after their tests, and send home their scores as normal.
I´m sure they will all do great!

Monday, 8 May 2017

Lorena and Alicia M performance

Last week Lorena won a violin competition and asked if she could perform to the class. On Friday she brought her violin in and played along to the song 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' from the movie Merry Poppins. She played it fantastically, I can see why you won Lorena.
 Alicia M has also been learning to play the Spanish guitar and wanted to perform for the class, she played along to the song of 'price tag' by Jessie J and again played fantastically.
If anyone else has a secret talent, please tell me, we may start a little show time during our Friday afternoon golden time.
Maybe even a Year 2 band will get started!
Well done girls, remember practice makes perfect!

Infant Show

After a meeting with the Infant department, we will be changing our initial show to enable the younger children to learn the songs.
The new song sheet will be handed out this week, and then the character list/words next week.
Followed by the costume letter at the end of May.
I apologise for the change and feel sure that this show is more appropriate for the whole of the Infant department.   

Van Gogh

This half term, Year 2 are learning about the artist Vincent Van Gogh.
They have been learning about the techniques he used and then practising these skills to create one of his most famous paintings 'Sunflowers'.
They all look amazing, please come and have a look at them in our classroom.

Friday, 5 May 2017

Treasure Map

Little Write
Today Year 2 had fun creating their own treasure maps, where they will hide some treasure next week for their peers to try and follow the directions of the map to find the treasure.
They designed it using the Infant patio, walking around and drawing and labelling the key items in it.

To make it look old and authentic, they used a tea bag to discolour the paper.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

End of year show

It´s nearly Showtime!!!!

Image result for show time
It is coming to that time of year, when Year 2 lead the Infants department
end of year show.

The show has been chosen by Year 2 and the song sheets have been sent home today.

Over the weekend I will choose the characters and send their words home to learn next week.

I will also give out a costume letter with an example of a costume for them to wear.

We are all very excited, including myself!


Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Reptile Visit

Reptile Visit
Year 2 enjoyed a visit from a few Reptile friends.
These included:
King Python
Bearded Dragon
Blue tongue lizard


Year 2 would like to thank Pedro and Andres for bringing in your fascinating reptiles and teaching us about them.