Thursday, 16 February 2017

Story Telling Week: Wednesday

Story Telling Week: Wednesday
Yet another super day of story telling.
Year 2´s morning started with the book swop.
We then had a visit from Mr Sheeny from Secondary who read 2 fantastic stories to the children.
The children were involved by acting out parts of the story.
Thank you Mr Sheeny.

In the afternoon we had secondary student Ana Diaz come to read a few fairy tales to the class.
Thank you Ana.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Story Telling Week

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Story Telling Week: Tuesday
We had our first visit of Tuesday from a secondary student.
Thank you Lakshita, the children enjoyed listening an alternate version of the 3 Little Pigs.

Year 2 had written their own version of Jack and the beanstalk on Monday, and a few children volunteered to read their story to the class and Lakshita.
Our second visit of the day was from Mr Clark.
The class were very excited to have Mr Clark come and read one of his favourite stories. He chose Giraffes can't dance.
Thank you Mr Clark, the children found the story quite funny and we continued the theme that everyone can dance to a 'different beat' when we went back into our classroom.

Our final visitor of Tuesday was from Senorita Santana who read The Gruffalo and the Gruffalo's Child.
Again thank you, the children love these stories, they are also among my favourites.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

This Weeks Homework

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This week Year 2 have got:
Maths: Two pieces of Maths.
1. An overview of this weeks maths lessons
2. A money (how much change) activities for them to practice.
Literacy: Three pieces of Literature (linked to their RWI)
1. Putting an apostrophe in the correct place in a sentence
2. Verbs: Choosing the correct verb to go into sentences
3. Choosing the correct tense to be used in sentences
Can I remind parents that Homework should be handed in on Wednesday to ensure that it can be marked and their new homework put in ready to go home on Thursdays.
Thank you
Happy Homework!

Story Telling Week: Monday

What a great start to our Story Telling Week
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On Monday we had Miss Krissy and Mr Johnson
Thank you to Miss Krissy, who read the story of SUPERWORM to Years 1 and 2.
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Followed by a competition to design the best super hero costume for Superworm.
The winners will be picked throughout this week.
And thank you to Mr Johnson (Secondary PE teacher) who gave a lively and interactive role play of the story of David and Goliath.

What a fantastic day.
I will update you daily with more super stories!

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Spelling Test

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Yesterday afternoon Year 2 had their weekly spelling test.
I am seeing an important in their spellings as the weeks go by, so well done everyone! Keep it up.
Please continue to encourage your child to use their Fred Fingers to spell any green words.
I hope to see more words spelt correctly in their Big Write tomorrow morning.

Science Museum

Year 2 Trip to the Science Museum
The children enjoyed their visit to the Science Museum.
They watched a show on how to make their own musical instruments from things they can find around the house.

Wednesday, 8 February 2017


This weeks homework
Maths: two pieces of maths homework
The first is doubling numbers where they have to draw a line from a number to its correct double.
The second is an overview of this weeks maths activities which include number bonds, sums to add to make an answer that is a multiple of 10 and word problems.
Literacy: 1 piece
Using the noun words listed at the top of the page write the correct one to complete the sentences and then to circle the nouns in 5 sentences.  
Read Write Inc.
My RWI group have their new red and green words to practice reading and spelling.
Have fun completing your homework Year 2!

Bug Hotel Winners

The winners for the bug hotel design competition have been chosen.
They are as follows:
In 3rd place: Jorge
In 2nd place: Adriana
And in first place Fran
Well done everyone in Year 2, your designs were all fantastic!

Science Musuem Trip

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Just a little reminder Year 2 are on their trip to the Science Museum tomorrow.
They will be having their snack at the museum and be returning in time for lunch.
Can I ask that all children have a snack and a small drink in a throw away bag for them to take with us.
Thank you
I will blog some pictures tomorrow of our trip.

Monday, 6 February 2017

Recycling Day

This Thursday
the children will be having a recycling day
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In the morning the children will be visiting the Science museum to talk about recycling.
In the afternoon as part of their topic lesson we will be having a junk modelling session.
If you have any cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, toilet roll holders, etc we would be grateful if you could bring these into school for Thursday.
Thank you in advance.  

Friday, 3 February 2017

Spelling test

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On Wednesday the class had their weekly spelling test,
I was very impressed with their results.
I can see most of the children using their Fred sounds/fingers to help them with their green words.
I have also noticed a fantastic improvement in their independent writing and Big Write, more and more words are being spelt correctly and I have also noticed the increase of adjectives being used.
Well done Year 2!
Keep up the good work.  


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This weeks homework
My Read Write Inc group have no new green or red words this week, Miss Caroline´s group have as they have started a new story.
Both groups have a maths activity linked to what we have been learning this week and a correct the sentences.
The first sentence has 5 spelling mistakes, the children just need to circle the word that is spelt incorrect, the second sentence has 5 grammar mistakes (capital letters, full stops, question mark and an exclamation mark).
Happy homework time!