Friday, 28 October 2016

Guy Fawkes celebrations

Bonfire Night

 What a busy week Year 2 have had!

They have had a fun week learning about Diwali, Halloween and Bonfire Night.
Yesterday they were busy making their own bonfire paintings using their hands, oil crayon fire work pictures, making model fire work rockets and using pipe cleaners to create beautiful fire work paintings.

Thursday, 27 October 2016


We have had lots of fun learning about Diwali this week.
The children have enjoyed doing various activities including making clay Diya's, hand print elephant paintings, lanterns, rangoli patterns and mehndi designs and of course listening to the story of Rama and Sita.
I would like to wish all the families who celebrate Diwali a fantastic holiday over your five day celebration.
It would be great if you take any photo's of your festivities that I could show the class after the half term.


Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Read Write Inc.

Resultado de imagen de read write inc

We are two weeks into our Read Write Inc. programme and the children are really enjoying it.

They have been learning and practising many new skills, including working with a partner (taking turns to read and listen to each other and then discussing certain questions), using their 'Fred fingers' and 'Fred in your head', to hold a sentence and to build a sentence.

They have also been introduced to new RWI silent signals, where no verbal instruction is given just a hand signal. These have include: Turn to your partner, team stop, my turn your turn and 1.2.3 (using fingers).
They have also been practising their 'hand writing' position, which gets the children ready to write.

Ask your child to show you these signals.

This link will take you direct to the RWI web page if you would like any information, there is a parents tab that explains more about the programme and the benefits it has for your child.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Breast Cancer Charity

Resultado de imagen de breast cancer ribbon
The school is raising money for the Breast Cancer charity.
We are asking children to come to school tomorrow wearing anything pink and bringing in 1 euro for the charity.
I look forward to seeing them all in Pink tomorrow.


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This week the children have 4 pieces of homework:
1: ESL symmetry (butterfly) the children need to copy the pattern on the other half of the butterfly and then colour. The blank butterfly, they can design their own patterns where both sides are the same.
2: A Carroll diagram for them to cut out the shapes and glue into the correct box using the different criteria.
3: We have been talking about Autumn and the changes we see in the environment and also what celebrations happen at this time of year. They have 'In the Autumn I see..' where they can list anything that they can remember.
4:  Has various short Literacy activities.
Happy home work time!

Topic Activities

Toilet Rolls
Next week year 2 will be making various craft activities for our Topic.
If you have any toilet or kitchen rolls, please could you bring these into class.
Thank you in advance.
Resultado de imagen de toilet roll

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Read Write Inc.

Resultado de imagen de Read write inc
Year 2 are proud to announce that we have started our Read Write Inc. (Literacy) lessons.
They will be having 1 hour of Read Write Inc. four days a week (Monday -Thursday) with Friday being either a ´Big Write' or a topic linked Literacy focus. 
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I would like to introduce Fred the frog, he helps us to sound out tricky words.
You children may tell you about Fred, green and red words and lots of other exciting elements of the programme.
If you would like any information on the programme please come and speak to me and we can arrange a meeting where I can give you any information you would like.

Marvellous maths

This week in Maths the children have been learning to sort shapes by their properties using Carroll diagrams.

I have found a game online that your children could play at home.
Please copy and paste this link and it will take you to this game.

Have fun mathematicians

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Year 2 blog

Hello, and welcome to the Year 2 blog. I will be posting information on our topics, maths focus, ideas for extra homework, special events, and much more.

Please feel free to write any comments, it would be lovely to hear from you all.

Resultado de imagen de year 2